TF2 Systems
The following are some elements of TF2 that may be useful to know for ZE.
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The following are some elements of TF2 that may be useful to know for ZE.
Last updated
TF2's melee system can be very weird and jank. On top of all this, there are added modifiers for ZE that change melee ranges, disable collisions, or prevent certain events from happening that could affect melee detection.
For a general reference, check the video below:
Note that all items presented may not be usable on the server, but it should give you a deeper understanding of how meleeing works in TF2 overall.
Mentioned earlier is the fact that Heavies take less knockback. The video below demonstrates this and the weight attributes of other classes:
With all the modified firing rates of the weapons, it may be helpful to recall how tick rates affect the true values within TF2:
The videos provided have been created by Jane (channel link): While they may not have any association with TF2 ZE, big thanks to them for compiling this information useful for here and in vanilla TF2.