Zombie Heavy
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Last updated
Speed: 259 HU/s (86.3% base TF2 speed) Damage: 208
Significant defense-breaking potential;
Least Knockback Taken as Zombie
Enzyme gives very minimal knockback to bullet-shield other zombies into closing in
Access to GRU for Extra Speed
Access to Warrior's Spirit for Extra Damage
Excellent Zombie Item Candidiate (Low Knockback = Can close gap into using Item vs Humans)
Contending Zombie Soldier in 2nd lowest base movement speed
As a zombie, the Heavy has a lot of strategies and tools to employ to be a menace to the humans. But, he's a big guy bound to be targeted on sight. No amount of Pyrovision Goggles, Holiday Punches, and crouching while looking up to seem all helpless is going to stop bloodthirsty humans from shooting at you. You gotta take 'em down. Luckily, if you need to force yourselves forward, you can use your Mutation. On use, the Heavy will lose HP but become immune to knockback for a few seconds before freezing in-place. It's best to get a running or bhopping start before you pop it so you can carry your momentum as you move. Until frozen, you will still be able to swing your melee so try to time it right before your Mutation ends. You can effectively force your way through holds to allow the zombies behind you to rush in or to pop zombie items on the now surrounding humans. Just be careful as melee hits will do around 10000 damage to you while enzymed - enough to kill you most of the time. You won't survive very long if the humans are prepared. Inherent to Heavy is his reduced knockback from almost all damage sources - 50% less than other classes. For weapons, try using the Warrior's Spirit for its added damage to help one-shot humans or use the Fists of Steel if you want to survive the gunfire. Alternatively, actually do use the Holiday Punch if you want to stop Übered humans in their tracks. Show those Spies a taste of their own medicine and hit them from behind after they become Übered off a backstab.