Stat Explanation
Information about various mechanics and TF2 weapon stats.
Special thanks to Tranquility for compiling much of the mechanics and weapon stat information.
These weapon stat changes can be observed in-game with the Inspect Target or Item function (default key is
while in Skial ZE servers.
Other changes are collected from TF2 Wiki or in-game observations.
Final stats are calculated from each weapon's base TF2 stats in the TF2 Official Wiki
As such, treat the DPS calculations as approximations at best; the weapon stats from TF2 Wiki may be inaccurate.
Notes about calculating new stats from weapon base stats:
Stat increases (like slower [more] reload time, clip size, etc.) are additive
Stat decreases (like faster [less] reload time, damage penalty, etc.) are multiplicative
Increased firing speed scales exponentially (e.g. +90% firing speed shoots twice as fast as +80% firing speed)
Same with decreasing reload time (e.g. +75% faster reload is twice as fast as +50% faster reload)
Attack Interval = ceil(Old Attack Interval * (1 - Inc. firing speed %) / 0.015) * 0.015 * Additional steps are taken to account for TF2's tick rate rounding. View the TF2 Systems section for more information. Clip DPS (or Burst DPS): DPS assuming infinite clip size. * Clip DPS = Base Damage / Attack Interval Time to Empty Clip (TEC): The maximum duration a weapon can fire before reaching 0 clip size * TEC = Clip Size * Attack Interval Full Reload Time: Time to reload from an empty clip back to a full clip. * Full Reload Time = Reload Time (F) + Reload Time (C) * (Clip Size - 1)
Reload Time (F) -> Time to reload the first shot
Reload Time (C) -> Time to reload consecutive shots
Where New Reload Times = Old Reload Times * (1 - Faster RT %)
Real DPS (or Sustained DPS): DPS over time, taking clip size and reload time to consideration. * Real DPS = Clip DPS * [TEC / (TEC + Full Reload Time)] * Is the optimal DPS; actual in-game DPS may be lower due to accuracy, human reaction times, or other factors. Base damage does not account for damage fall-off/ramp-up (which do not affect breakable objects, including NPCs and bosses).
Last updated