Medic Secondaries
Medic Secondary Options
Last updated
Medic Secondary Options
Last updated
ÜberCharge Duration: (6 Seconds) (7 with vita)
+100% ÜberCharge rate (6.66-13.33 seconds for full uber)
ÜberCharge grants 100% critical chance
The Kritzkrieg here allows you to do is buff your teammates at the frontlines to then swap to your primary and help stall with syringes without sticking to one person for a long time. It also lets you keep more of your teammates in front overhealed thus protecting more people. The crits Über, unfortunately, is a lot weaker than the stock Medi Gun's or Quick-Fix's Über in versatility. While the crits can be used on a Heavy to allow him to knockback zombies much further, the crits aren't as influencial as you think compared to vanilla TF2 - but you at least obtain it in short enough bursts that you can readily have it up to use often.
ÜberCharge Duration: (4 Seconds)
+25% ÜberCharge rate
Tried-and-true in both vanilla TF2 and ZE, the Medi Gun, despite having half the duration of a normal Über, is still useful regardless for the focused healing and invulnerability it can provide. If you do want to just focus on healing people back to full health or buffing them to survive hits, then the Kritzkrieg or Quickfix serve this purpose much better. However, the Medi Gun has arguably the best Über out of all the Medi guns. You can use the invulnerability gained on ÜberCharge to save both you and your healing target in dire situations - just enough to get you out of sticky situations due to the halved duration. This can be extremely helpful when trying to save a teammate stuck in a zombie tp to give them enough time to wiggle out of the zombies they're stuck in! Combined with the AoE Über technique, you can even save your team! If you want to be a bit more bold, use this to bodyblock to hold off an entire horde of zombies behind small doors or to tank hits for your teammates. Just remember that the Über does not affect damage from NPCs, bosses, or map hazards.
ÜberCharge Duration: (8 Seconds)
+100% Heal Rate (48-144 HP/s)
+50% Ubercharge Rate (26.67-53.34 seconds for full uber)
-50% Max Overheal (Up to 250 most classes)
ÜberCharge increases healing to 300% and grants immunity to movement-impairing effects
Ubercharge does not heal the Medic himself
With so much damage being taken from all sorts of things and so many teammates to heal, the Quick-Fix allows the Medic to rapidly heal all of them much more easily. You can use this to quickly heal teammates if they get damaged by Mutations or NPCs and bosses. While the Quick-Fix's ÜberCharge does grant extremely fast healing, it will not apply to you. So, you'll have to watch out for your own health more carefully. Even then, nerfed or outright disabled healing during boss fights may make all this not as impactful. Also consider the decreased overheal that may disallow teammates overhealed by you from surviving hits. For example, a Heavy utilizing the Warrior's Spirit can deal 270 damage. This'll easily be able to punch through the 250 max overheal that the Quick-Fix provides for most survivors.
ÜberCharge Duration: (2.5 Seconds per Resistance Charge)
+67% ÜberCharge rate
+25% Max Overheal (350 each class, 525 on Heavy)
+50% Overheal Build Rate (32-96 HP/s upon overhealing)
+25% Longer Overheal Time (1.75 HP decayed per sec)
-33% ÜberCharge rate on Overhealed patients
Press your reload key to cycle through resist types.
While healing, provides you and your target with a constant 10% resistance to the selected damage type
The Vaccinator is an interesting pick as it's just as niche as it is in vanilla TF2. Since the main cause of death for you and your teammates is melee damage, the main purpose of this medigun being the ability to apply specific resistances is somewhat pointless. Much of the negated damage due to the resistances can be offset invulnerability the other mediguns provides anyways.
You can use this medigun to greatly overheal just one target (of course after you heal others low on HP). The increased max overheal allows you to buff teammates' HP to just enough to tank hits extra hits. For example, you can find Heavies buffed to 525 HP allowing them to hug zombies without much care. If doing this, use the Vaccinator for the express purpose of healing your main staller so they can remain at the very front to keep slowing everything down. Or making sure the person you really love survives till the very end.