Gamemode Changes 1/22/2025
A place to quickly find gamemode to Skial ZE changes by date.
1/22/2025 Weapon KB Fixes
universal weapon grouping knockback adjustments
this should 'fix' knockback across the board that was intended to be higher for specific weapon groups eg, Pistols, Rockets, Miniguns - (this is not a revert to old KB.)
many weapons almost have no damage fall-off (this doesn't make weapons kb from 500 miles, instead just brings more consistency, Widowmaker can take advantage of this much better by not needing pointblank range to get more bullet refunds, Soldier rockets still need close range to build banners, etc)
possibly might write out a more detailed explanation on this later depending on how much impact this has, adjustments are still ongoing though
Casual Mode now disables friction - tl;dr allowing zombies to get knocked back more, makes switching between difficulties more impactful than a simple slowdown.
1/20/2025 minor qol
screen shake effect upon taking damage removed (you'll still see the red indicators of damage)
machina penetration kill sound blocked
1/17/2025 Minigun Inf Ammo + Sentry Slow
Heavy minigun 'reload' mechanics reverted - they now have infinite ammo again and no dispenser penalty. (minus Huo Long which intentionally had it)
pending further tweaks to give additional knockback as currently miniguns are weakened defending-wise
Sentry snare mechanic re-added (as sentries apply slowdown on hit,
this was turned back on way earlier but forgot to mention it was re-enabled)
1/12/2025 !zload, soldier enzyme rework, !noshake
!zload mechanics!! (eventually this might get its own page for every specific)
tl;dr this is your weapon buy system integrated into TF2 ZE and will mitigate you being stuck on a 'bad' loadout, & being able to switch playstyle depending on weapon.
EX: !zload Liberty (to play defensive Soldier) -> !zload Mangler (to play as banner/boss support Soldier)
EX 2: !zload Baby (to play trigger Scout or grab an item) -> !zload Scattergun (to switch to general use defense/boss support)
You have a limited use of 3 !zload usages in a round.
!bhop made opt-in and now is off by default for everyone unless they !bhop or sm_bhop bind
!noshake command added - this will disable screen-shaking mechanics on maps like Best Korea, Cosmo Canyon, etc...
(added all the new commands to Useful Commands)
Zombie Soldier Enzyme now instead shrinks the user (and kills them if on any odd geometry)
12/26/2024 Round-end Stats, Return of PKP, Leader-noms...
New scoreboard tracking (displayed at round end) for top infections and damage.
Addtional adjustment to Heavy Miniguns (they now reload in the background so you're not stuck at 0 ammo)
Several existing maps made leader-only:
Dodge Or Die
Parkour Paradise (yes its back)
Night Cinema
DOOM leader-requirement removed
Surf Sahok removed from nominations
12/19/2024 - Class Cap + KB Adjust
Class cap for heavy has been removed.
Class cap for engineer has been removed.
Additional adjustments to knockback on non-heavy weapons adjusted/fixed to compensate heavy being weakened.
Sniper headshot sources now launch zombies away rather than stunning, giving him a different niche than sharing a cooldown with Demoman stun mechanics.
Melee Knockback to Zombies has also been increased.
Higher firerate, pinpoint weapons (pistol, SMG, family business etc) are more likely to knockback individual zombies upon hitting their shots consistently without spreading too much.
12/18/2024 - Weapon tweaks
(NOT FINAL; SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL CHANGES) This doesn't mechanically change weapon gimmicks across the board - instead just makes most sources of bullet damage/knockback rely less on heavies. (A lot of weapon DAMAGE stats changed specifically.)
Miniguns now have a 4 second reload time (they need to be un-revved to reload; no animation but you'll reset to 140 ammo)
Miniguns now have a 15 second uptime
To reload, press your R key (this should visually show on HUD)
Miniguns also all have a No Ammo From Dispensers When Active trait to lean towards use of reload mechanic.
Many weapon damage stats increased by 25-50% across the board (varies, currently have not re-calculated the exact stats for many of these; this will make a lot of the DPS calculations off on the stat pages depending on the scope of changes done - giving this time to settle before comprehensively writing down every adjusted weapon stat.)
12/16/2024 - Crouching + Jump
More bhop adjustments/fixes (may not be final)
Normally in TF2, you can't hold crouch and then jump (not to be mistaken with jumping and tapping crouching for more height)
As of now on ZE servers, you can now 'crouch-jump' without having to sit through an awkward un-crouch animation.
12/9/2024 - Bhopping Update
Bhopping mechanics enabled on both Zombie Escape servers (capped to 500 at max, momentum should also be capped at stairs and ramps)
Bhopping momentum halted upon being shot/can't boost yourself by getting shot in specific ways.
Bhopping velocity limited to 250 upon using Zombie Enzymes.
11/26/2024 - General
Map RTV Cooldown reduced back to global 3 map cooldown
Adjustments made to sources of zombie boosting (this will probably throw off a lot of mention of boosting mechanics throughout the whole guide depending on whether or not it's adjusted any further)
11/6/2024 - Leader Nominations
Specific maps can now only be nominated by an in-game leader but are guaranteed to show on nom-list if it's a leader-map (A-Z)
Nomination-stacking a map also now prioritizes whichever maps have the highest nom-counts into showing up on the RTV screen - but there is now a cap of 3 possible maps max (and 4 maps if leader nomination is there)
Note: You can view what Leader maps are tagged as (LEADER) @ Map List or can view them in-game at the end of the nomination list.
10/24/2024 - Maps re-added + Map CD Increase
Map CD increased to20 map cooldownMap RTV timer lowered to 30 seconds (no longer have to wait 10 minutes to RTV on a map)
9/21/2024 - Normal Mode Change
(Unknown specific date)Universal 40% map damage reduction reverted/removed on Normal;dr a lot of intended 1-shot mechanics like map traps/zombie items were 'broken' prior to this, and could just be tanked/or healed off without punishment; but should work again now. As a result, many maps will feel 'harder' again as you'll be taking lots more damage generally.
9/14/2024 - Leader Changes
Leader functionality (markers and leadermenu) will be disabled upon Leader's death - they will still retain the role and can !transferleader to another player or hold it until next round.
(Admin only/event only?) Leader vip mode toggle added to leader options (round will instantly end on leader death)
8/24/2024 - 23 maps purged
putting it on the forefront outside a subpage since >23 maps were removed and legacy maps is a bit far too messy messy to find a way to organize into it.
8/7/2024 Comma > 3 Warriors, Rest Now...
ZM Pyro enzyme explosion fixes: Changed from dmg_blast > dmg_burn, removed damage multiplier
tl;dr no longer singlehandedly nuking entire teams at mid-range/point-blank (must be alive up to 5 seconds post-use to charge full blast radius and damage.)
7/21/2024 Casual Mode Adjustment
Casual Mode Zombie melee damage reduction removed.
2/17/2024 Noob Mode Adjustments
Noob Mode renamed to Casual difficulty.
Map Damage Reduction Universally changed to 40% on Normal Mode, additive with Casual Mode (70% total)
Overall Zombie Slowdown via being shot on Normal reduced (exact value currently unknown)
2/07/2024 Balance Change
~Maps that disable Healing (on bosses etc) no longer completely disable Enzyme mechanics simutaneously.
11/18/2023 Balance Change
~Human Demomen now have 200 HP with sticky/scottish/quickie equipped, still 175 if using a shield or jumper! (This generally brings them up to par on NPCs/bosses with being able to take the same amount of hits as most other people.)
11/7/2023 Enzyme Change
Zombie Engineer
10/14/2023 Enzyme Change
Zombie Medic
Enzyme damage reduced by 50% (averages to about ~20 raw damage on successful hit.)
9/24/2023 Balance & Enzyme Change
-Enzyme only increases upon taking damage and decays after a while; (Enzyme count decays after [30] seconds) (In other words; you can't indefinitely hold onto an enzyme activate them en masse after being jailed a long time.)
-Correlating with the above; Enzyme on being hit increased by around [6-8?] per damage tick (Build enzyme much faster against damage.)
-Human melees no longer do increased damage and instead will do a sizeable knockback. (Still damages heavy enzymes greatly.)
7/28/2023 Enzyme Changes
Zombie Medic
-Given a new ability that allows the Zombie Medic to do an instant 30-60 damage to Humans in an AoE on activation; damage depending on range (and weapon interaction.) Does not infect upon kill as it deals crit damage. (Prior enzyme was functionally broken.)
5/12/2023 Enzyme Changes
Zombie Scout
-Only visually changed, grants the Zombie Scout a conch-like banner effect underneath themself. (No longer gives speed line particles.)
Zombie Soldier
-Grants Zombie Soldiers a mini-crit buff to melee for [8] seconds. (No longer creates smoke clouds on use.)
Zombie Pyro
-Zombie Pyros now gain a giant bomb head upon enzyme, does immense damage at close range; has a wind-up AoE explosion that launches zombies forwards if not shot before it times out. (No longer has the flame particles around him visually.)
Zombie Demoman
-Refills charge meter to ~roughly [95%] on use, allowing Zombie Demomen to do another follow-up charge. Does nothing if charge meter already full. (Gives demoman an enzyme to begin with.)
Last updated